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CRUFC Golf Day

CRUFC Golf Day

Tim Carty9 Apr - 06:44
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Lt David Evans Rose Bowl

On Sunday May 12th club members can compete for the prestigious Lt David Evans Rose Bowl as well as the Mike Lord Trophy.

The silver Rose Bowl was gifted to the club by the family of club member Lt David Evans who lost his life on service during World War 2.
It has be competed for annually without fail since 1947 and, as such, is the longest competed for trophy at the Club. This years winner will have the honour of defending their trophy during our Centenary season next year.

The day will be held at Upton-by-Chester Golf Club with tee times booked between 12 and 1pm on Sunday 12th March and is open to all club members.
This will be followed by a two course dinner and prize giving.

Cost is £55 and to book your place please contact Tim Carty HERE

Further reading